The Director of the Academic Serbian Association, Tamara Ćirić, announced on the state television channel RTS that a Serbian language learning camp will be organized for young people aged 18 and older, lasting for 10 days from July 28th to August 6th, 2023. Applications for this camp are open until June 20th, 2023.
Like previous years, the aim of this camp is to promote the Serbian language and Cyrillic script, as well as to connect young people from all over the world. Additionally, at the participants’ request, foreigners will also be included this year, who will have the opportunity to learn Serbian as a foreign language.
The camp is organized in beautiful natural surroundings, where participants will have the opportunity to socialize and learn from expert teachers who have a long tradition of teaching foreigners and Serbs from the diaspora. In addition to learning Serbian language during the camp, numerous other activities will be organized to help participants better acquaint themselves with Serbian culture and tradition.
In short, this summer camp for Serbian as a native and foreign language is an ideal opportunity for those who want to master and perfect their knowledge of Serbian language and get to know the culture and traditions of Serbia. The registration deadline is June 20, 2023, so hurry up and sign up for this unforgettable summer camp.
Text prepared by: Marko Radulović