Online learning of Serbian as a heritage language 2017/18
The project “Online learning of Serbian as a heritage language” was realized for the first time via Skype.
The Faculty of Philosophy in Nis, in cooperation with the Academic Serbian Association, successfully realised a project for online learning Serbian as a heritage language via Skype. This procject organized for people from the diaspora. Students of Serbian language from Faculty of Philosophy held classes to course participants from all over the world. The project was financed and sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia.
On that occasion, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Nis, a ceremony was organized at which Dr. Natalija Jovanovic presented the students with certificates. Tamara Ciric, the president of the ASA, informed the audience about the extremely commendable results of the research conducted among the Serbian diaspora about this project.
The project took place from December 15th, 2017 to April 15th, 2018. On this project, 39 University students worked with 41 participants from the diaspora. First, the University students had to undergo training in methodological ways of teaching Serbian as a language of diaspora, which was conducted by Ph.D. Marina Janjic. Her assistant was Aleksandar Novakovic, who coordinated the teaching process of the course. It is important to point out that this was the first realization of a Serbian as a heritage language course at the Faculty of Philosophy in cooperation with the ASA. This course was especially intended for the descendants of Serbian emigrants, and there is great interest in this topic around the world.
More information about the project can be found in:
the brochure: Брошура – пројекат 2017-18.
the presentation: Презентација – Извештај о пројекту 2018.